Upgrade Your Food
Ham & Bacon Products
- shelf life solutions,
- antioxidants
- listeria and salmonella protection (also available with-out E-number free)
- taste enhancer systems
- colour systems
- spice mixes + spice and technology compounds
- emulsifiers
- stabilizer systems
Fermented Products
- starter and protection cultures (listeria and salmonella protection)
- spice mixes + spice and technology compounds
- taste enhancer systems
- colour systems
- antioxidants
- stabilizer systems
- flavours
Cooked Sausage & Cold Cut
- shelf life solutions,
- antioxidants
- listeria and salmonella protection (also available with-out E-number free)
- taste enhancer systems
- colour systems
- spice mixes + spice and technology compounds
- stabilizer systems
- emulsifiers
- flavours
Convenience Products
- shelf life solutions
- antioxidants
- listeria and salmonella protection (also available with-out E-number free)
- taste enhancer systems
- colour systems
- spice mixes + spice and technology compounds
- stabilizer systems
- flavours